Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm 18

Many people in this world have questions when they get past the wonderful age of 18... usually in the form of a Socratic question (What should I do now, How do I get there, Should I do this/that). Based upon the received answers of all the parties the person decides on a path in life and follows it. Do not fret everyone does this and will still do it until we leave this planet.

This is actually quite cleaver for that 18 year old to intuitively do this. A Socratic question is to have the person asking the question to a group of people as to challenge accuracy and completeness of thinking in a way that acts to move people towards their ultimate goal.

We do this to challenge the common understanding of what we should do in life. Do you go to college? Do you start finding a job?  Do you travel the world?  Do I join the military?  Without asking these questions how does one make a literal life defining change in their life?

We ask the questions to get confirmation that it is correct, or maybe there is new information to understand and add to our decision making process.

I personally can't state with certainty on which way a person should choose to go.  I have friends who have done each one of those and has had their own success and failures.  Myself, I choose the college path.  That path allowed me to cram four years into five through two schools.  With that education I was lucky enough to find a decent job right away.  That decent job then allowed me to travel overseas, afford me to get married, travel back overseas and now have a home and a wonderful baby boy.

Will that be the same path that you will have by going to college?  I can't say yes or no to that.  But what I can say is that college is a great way to find what you do enjoy (though it is a rather expensive option to do so.)

But here is an interesting question.  In today's world of high unemployment and skidish employers, who says college is the right answer?  Do you need to have a higher education to volunteer?  Do you need a higher education to blog/write articles freelance style (probably not but as you can tell from my writing I probably could have benefited from some further education in English/Writing)?

I personally know that several high paying jobs that a person can do with either A.) No training other then personal work experience, or B.) Very little training (for certification purposes).  So there are options available, without going into the possible debt of college, of getting a fairly decent job.

At the same time if college is something you are really wanting to be apart of, what about the military?  Why not have Uncle Sam pay for some/all of it?  (Not like they aren't used to spending money...)  Now granted I know the military is not something everyone feels is the right fit.  But for those who are considering it, talk to people and get an idea if it is right for you.

Just remember one thing.  You're 18 and you should enjoy it.  You have your entire life ahead of you regardless of your choices.

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